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Screenshot Saturday Tuesday: Wet worlds and cool violence

Admire these attractive and interesting indie games

Customising cassette tapes in an ODDADA screenshot.
Image credit: Sven Ahlgrimm

Every weekend, indie devs show off current work on Twitter's #screenshotsaturday tag. And every Monday (well, unless it's a holiday), I bring you a selection of these snaps and clips. This week, my eye has been caught by decorating tapes, a wide range of wet worlds, a spread of cool violence, a murderous squirrel, and yes, immersive sims. Come admire these attractive and interesting indie games!

Squirrel With A Gun (coming to Steam) remains ridiculous:

Vandalism and fiddlebits in Half-Life mod TimeWarp (demo available on ModDB):

Customising your tape collection in (coming to Steam), a "roguelite music builder" where I thinnnk you make music by building landscapes:

Jumping between layers of the level in watery watercolour explore 'em up Echo Of The Waves (coming to Steam):

A striking seascape in The Fall Of Theseus (devblog on Tumblr):

Yet more moistness in Faerie Afterlight (coming to Steam, with a demo there now):

Marketing is part of development for most games, and it's interesting to see these experiments made public by VR spaceship dogfighter Alliance Peacefighter (website here):

An interesting take on parrying:

Whoa hello SyS KillMirror (available on Itch in alpha):

New security devices often open exciting new security holes, and magnet-jumping off security camera cages in immersive sim Etos seems great fun:

By popular demand, here's immersive sim Spectra once again, this time showing off shoving:

Creeping about in turn-based roguelikelike survival game The Outer Zone (coming to Steam, with a demo there now):

All I know about this game, and all I need know about this game, is that it has a grappling hook:

As a frequent turtler in retro real-time strategy games, I do appreciate this gate animation in D.O.R.F. (coming to Steam):

Cool violence in Neon Inferno:

Cool violence in Against Great Darkness (coming to Steam, with a demo there now, and Itch):

And cool violence in this yet-unnamed (I think?) shooter starring one of the skullbats frequently seen in the dev's other games:

What else caught your eye this weekend, reader dear?

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About the Author
Alice O'Connor avatar

Alice O'Connor

Associate Editor

Alice has been playing video games since SkiFree and writing about them since 2009, with nine years at RPS. She enjoys immersive sims, roguelikelikes, chunky revolvers, weird little spooky indies, mods, walking simulators, and finding joy in details. Alice lives, swims, and cycles in Scotland.

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